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In this Fourth Edition of renowned authority Frances Fowler’s Policy Studies for Educational Leaders, future educational leaders and actual K-12 administrators get a solid, comprehensive grounding in education policy and the policy process and the important political theories upon which it is based. Included is essential background information about the cultural, economic, demographic, and institutional roots of educational policy and an incisive look at the history of educational policy.
Frances Fowler worked as a classroom teacher in Tennessee for 15 years. During that time she was active in both her union and her school district and was also involved in state and local politics. Eventually, she became so interested in politics and policy that she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she majored in educational administration with a concentration in educational politics and policy. In 1990 she accepted a tenure-track position at Miami University, where she taught educational politics and policy for 19 years, ending her higher education career as a Full Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in her department. Frances retired in 2009 and she remains politically active at the local level and is active on the Education Committee of the Cincinnati Area League of Women Voters. In addition to this book, she is also a co-author of Educational Governance and Administration
Название | Policy Studies for Educational Leaders: An Introduction |
Автор | Frances C. Fowler |
Издание: | 4 |
Издатель | Pearson Education, 2012 |
ISBN | 0133095428, 9780133095425 |
Количество страниц | Всего страниц: 384 |
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Экспорт цитаты | BiBTeX EndNote RefMan |