Comprehensive Safety Planning Toolkit

A Comprehensive School Safety Plan outlines how a district or school is prepared to address the Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8) 5 Mission Areas: prevention, mitigation, protection, response, and recovery from emergencies resulting from any and all threats and hazards.

RCW 28A.320.125 requires all school districts and schools in Washington state to have current comprehensive safe school plans, commonly referred to as Emergency Operation Plans (EOPs), and procedures in place. The legislation notes that coordinated plan development is essential to ensure the most effective response to any type of emergency situation.

There are several specific requirements identified in the RCW 28A.320.125:

RCW 28A.300.645 requires monitoring on a 5-year cycle, at minimum.

Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) Planning Process

EOP plans are developed, practiced, reviewed, and revised. As requirements change, the plan will also change. However, the process of developing and revising the plan will remain constant.

The process of developing EOPs follows two nationally recognized Federal planning guidelines:

  1. The Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (The School Guide)
  2. The Role of Districts in Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operation Plans (A Companion to the School Guide)

Both were developed by partnering Federal agencies including the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

EOP Assist is a web-accessible software application for state agencies, school districts, and schools to host on their own servers. It guides planning team members through a process that will result in the creation of a safety plan built on Federal guidelines for developing a high-quality school EOP. All plans developed through this tool will be both customizable and downloadable.

REMS TA Center EOP Interactive Tools support individuals and planning teams at schools, school districts who are assessing their knowledge of concepts fundamental to emergency management, and in creating and evaluating emergency operations plans (EOPs).

Topics to consider when you are planning the annexes of your EOP:

The sooner students are safely reunited with family or other caregivers, the less traumatic stress they are likely to experience. Reunification planning considers several factors. Each must be well-planned and shared with the school community, especially family members and caregivers.

Model policy and procedures are developed by the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) and made available to member districts to use in developing their district policies and procedures. Numbers may change across districts, however, sample policies and frequently used numbers include the following:

Topic Frequently Used Policy/Procedure Numbers
Safe School Plans 3432/ 3432P
Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) 6580
Emergency Procedures 3432/ 3432P
Firearms and Weapons 3428/ 3428P
Gang Activity 3433/ 3433P
Gender Inclusive Schools 3211/ 3211P
HIB/Bullying 3207/ 3207P
Notification of Threats or Harm 4310/ 4310P
Notifications 3143/ 3143P
Restraint and Isolation 3246/ 3246P
Sexual Harassment 3208/ 3208P
SRO Program 4311
Threat Assessment 3225/ 3225P

Review the list of School Safety RCWs for schools and districts to consider and address in their EOP planning process.

Comprehensive School Safety Coordinators

In 2020, the legislature funded each of the nine educational service districts (ESD) to provide a network of support for school districts to develop and implement comprehensive suicide prevention and behavioral health supports for students and support for School-Based Threat Assessment Programs. The Comprehensive School Safety Coordinators (CSSC) was funded in 2021.

The CSSC is responsible for:

CSSC ESD Contacts

ESD 101 Dan Corder

ESD 105 Chris Weedin

ESD 105 Megan Fraley

ESD 113 Yasmin Rivera

ESD 114 Mark McVey

ESD 123 Shelby Jensen

ESD 171 Eric Johnson